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My First-Time Struggles with Business Planning (And Why It's Okay Not to Have It All Figured Out)

business planning Aug 14, 2024
Business Planning

Let’s be real—first times are rarely easy. Whether it’s learning to ride a bike, trying out a new recipe, or planning your business, those initial attempts often come with their fair share of stumbles. Today, I want to share a story about the first time I tried to create a business plan—and how it was anything but smooth.

The Messy Truth About My First Business Plan

I remember sitting down with so many ideas buzzing in my head, excited to finally put them into a business plan. But as soon as I started, things went sideways. My brilliant ideas suddenly felt disconnected, my strategy seemed unclear, and the more I tried to organize it all, the more tangled it became.

What I ended up with was far from the strategic plan I had envisioned. It was a mess. No clear direction, just a lot of frustration and a strong sense of “What am I even doing?” I felt overwhelmed and, honestly, a bit discouraged.

The Most Important Lesson I Learned

But here’s the thing—I didn’t quit. Instead, I took a step back and realized something crucial: planning isn’t about getting everything perfect from the start. It’s about taking that first step, however messy it might be, and letting your plan grow and evolve. My first plan was far from perfect, but it was the start of something real—and that’s what counts.

Your first business plan doesn’t have to be flawless. It just needs to be a beginning. As you move forward, gain more experience, and refine your ideas, your plan will get better. The key is to get those ideas out of your head and onto paper so you can start making progress.

You’re Not Alone

If you’re struggling with your business plan, I get it. I’ve been there. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed, like you’re lost in a sea of ideas with no clear path. But you’re not alone. We’ve all been there—every entrepreneur has faced that moment of doubt.

The important thing is to start where you are and take it one step at a time. You don’t need to have everything figured out right now. Just take that first step, then the next, and before you know it, you’ll have a plan that’s not only actionable but also truly yours.

Let’s Work Through It Together

I’d love to hear how your planning is going. What’s working for you? What’s got you stuck? Whether you’re just getting started or you’ve hit a roadblock, I’m here to help. Let’s work through it together and turn your ideas into a plan that actually works.

Planning a business is tough, but you don’t have to do it alone. I’m here to guide you, share what I’ve learned, and help you avoid some of the mistakes I made. Together, we can create a plan that sets your business up for success.

Final Thoughts: Embrace the Learning Process

So, what was your first time planning like? Did it go as expected, or did you hit some bumps along the way? I’d love to hear your story—I’m sure you’ve learned something valuable, just like I did.

Remember, planning is a process. It’s okay to make mistakes, feel uncertain, and not have all the answers right away. What matters is that you’re moving toward your goals, even if it’s one small step at a time.

If you’re ready to dive deeper into your business planning and want some support along the way, let’s connect. I’m here to help you turn those initial ideas into a roadmap for success.

Talk soon,

Michell Sierra
Certified Business & Entrepreneurship Coach


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